Monday 14 January 2013

New year -New me ( can a post be more predictable?)

Once again I have decided that perhaps this blog is a good outlet for my thoughts and moments of eureka?

The past year was filled of quite mundane things but seeing my little baby grow into a toddler was amazing. Little M has turned out far better than I had hoped for! We have so much fun together and somehow I think I have managed to be the person I wished to be throughout his first year.

It has been a tough year for me, full of questions without any answers; hopes that were never even close to being fullfilled, a job I felt was not meant to be for me and  towards the end of the year I think the lack of sleep mixed with  all the negative emotions trapped in my body took its toll and I developed pneumonia, ashtma as well as I kept getting every bug going around. So I was amongs a lot of other people who could not wait for this year to end so that I somehow felt obliged to start again, fresh and new. I have been reading" the happiness project" by Gretchen Rubin, which is a very easy; light hearted self help book. The author focuses on different personal projects for each month and I am trying to do the same. So this cold, grey month I started with the project: ME. To get my health and energy back. So I took little M to Sweden and stayed at my parents' on the coast. It was more blissful than I could imagine and perfect for getting myself back on track. I went to the gym every day after that I  met up with friends, then I went swimming in the ice cold sea and jumped into a sauna overlooking my beautiful ocean. The evenings were spent by the fire at my parents' house, reading and talking. Could not have wished for a better start of the year!

Yellow by robinhoodgirl
Yellow, a photo by robinhoodgirl on Flickr.