Tuesday 8 February 2011

Without the sun one have to work that much harder

I am determined to keep active in order to feel inspiration coming back into my life. For the moment I am quite struggling with my morning pages on some days, but I know that it gets easier after a while and it is just parts of the process. Yesterday I had my artist's date at the National Gallery. I decided to visit the usual suspects as I never tire of them. ( and the Italian rooms always makes me feel it is too much to take in and I can not focus) Concentrating more on the light and what they do to me. Are we not lucky to have all these masterpieces at hand?? If you are bored of London you are bored of life.... yeah whatever, but really think about it. How can this not be true?

                                                               Bathers at Asnieres by Seurat

Grand canal Venice by Monet

Irises by Monet

Snow scene by Monet

Fighting Timeraire by Turner

The toilet of Venus by Velasquez

Bathers by Cezanne

 I can sit and stare at Irises by Monet for a loooong time. When I came home I had to go against my policy and actually cut my first one in the garden to bring in , but the pleasure it gives me! 

 Breakfast has always been sacred to me. As I have time to play for the moment I try to vary it as much as possible on a small budget, so I bake and bake and have lots of fruit. 

Mixed passionfruit and natural yoghurt. Cut peaches, passionfruit, raisins and oatbran.

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