Tuesday 3 April 2012

To my twenty something year old self

I want you to know that everything will be ok in the end. You might not ever find the meaning of life during your lifetime, but I am confident you are better off not knowing the whole truth. The searching is what makes you. Because if you had found it what was there left to look for? A life without any difficulties?

You will understand that it is the challenges that makes you grow, makes you into the person you are.

Satisfaction can be your worst enemy. Of course you need to value what you have- without that you will not be happy today; but if everything is good -if you don't want anything, then apathy sinks in. That is not you.

You are unique -crazy and difficult sometimes, but that is what will get you somewhere in the end. Why try to be the same as others? Try to find your own voice -speak out, because when you do; people will listen. By being you; you will get everything you wanted, ( also what you did not know you wanted) so chill out, don't be so hard on yourself. Enjoy the journey!

Be proud of yourself for sticking out. Of course you would not become who you are in your mid thirties without all the self doubt, soul searching and sometimes very self destructive behaviour.But the friends that will stay with you and the people whom you will love are of the best nature in every way.

Don't stress about not being in the right place at that moment of time, all of it will come. Mabye a bit later than for others, but it is your journey and what a journey it is!

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