Monday 9 April 2012

Rainy days are hard to beat

I have lived in my current flat over five years and I can honestly count the amount of days I have spent the whole day inside on one hand. Being an"outdoor" person it comes naturally to need to be outside in the daylight but for me since I can remember it has always been something of an obsession. It is something I wished I did not need as much though. Our flat is in the basement and the pram is too wide to get upstairs so it takes us always 15 min to get outside, which means I sometimes I wished I could just enjoy the homelife.
If I dig deep I think it stems from me always following my "hippie" mother's instructions as a child and her defitnite motto was and still is: Children should be outside. This has probably led me to me having seriously destroyed my skin from being in the sun for good since I feel very guilty if the sun is out and I am not there catching the rays. ( albeit now I wear factor 50 constantly).
But: yesterday since the weather report was not promising I decided to stay in our newly built scandinavian style ( bright white with large windows) extension, in our cozy bed and see if me and little Gu could survive the day there. It was bliss! The day was spent watching and listening to the rain pouring down in our garden whilst I managed to watch a few episodes of the Swedish tv series ( in swedish only) 30 grader syd, set in lush Thailand.
Sometimes all you need to get a "5 star day"( have you got the "gratitude app" yet?? ) is to do something you never usually do and the day will save itself in your beautiful day memory archive

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