Tuesday 3 April 2012

Summer is here

Why does London always go from winter straight into summer?
I am not sure how good it is:

To never ever get to wear the "spring clothes". In Sweden every wardrobe consists of at least the "spring jacket" but the ones I own I have never worn here in London. They are oh so beautiful, some are in leather but with a tiny bit of lining which makes them to warm for now. At the moment it is to warm even for a jumper, the whole of London is out in sandals and short skirts!

It does not give us or the animals a chance to long for summer. When spring is here there is always a feeling of what is to come. We are happy and walk around knowing that it will only get better. But now, we take the weather for granted, sun is here to stay etc. But really since it is only March, we will probably indeed get rain, and then we will all be so terrible annoyed with the weather and forget what we have had this week in March. Was it only spring we would accept rain and know soon the real thing is here!

The flowers are out too early. The flowers which are normally here around easter have already bloomed so what is left for the summer soon??

We are in draught already here in London, so the sun does not exactly help that or the flowers which might pop up later on since there is already now a hosepipe ban.

But since it is summer now, go out enjoy it. Soak up every ray possible since the summer will probably be like most english summers: wet and cold!

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